Saturday, August 22, 2009


The much awaited rock! We, women, in general , dream about this very thing since the moment we got to know about Barbie and her long time companion - Ken.

But this one very sparkly, brilliant, shinny ROCK comes with its workplace disadvantages...

It all started a year ago when a good friend of mine got engaged. While engaged, she was looking for a job and ecstatic to not only begin to plan the wedding, but also to kick-start her career as she had recently come back from completing a Masters overseas. As a recently engaged woman she was proud to showcase her ring and her pearly whites to the world! But little did she know that the one thing that made her smile was going to be her Achilles heel at the workplace.

After months of job hunting, she landed an interview at a very well known company who she longed working for (thanks to the good word of an acquaintance). She passed to the second interview and after coming close to think the job was hers; one morning she received a call that will forever teach her a lesson....According to the recruiter, she had come very close to landing the job as she was tendering against another candidate with similar capabilities; but after much thought, management had decided the other candidate was more "suited" for the job. This nearly killed her, as she was almost certain the job was hers.

A few weeks after the bad news landed on her lap, she ran into the one acquaintance who had referred her to the job. He explained to her that he had found out through the grapevine that the final decision was made by a man who chose the other female candidate because she was "younger" and had no family attachments. According to him, to them it was very risky and expensive to hire a recently engaged woman as wedding plans and baby plans will come in the way very early in her career, so they could not afford to hire her.
Needless to say my friend was devastated to hear that the very one thing she loved the most, had caused her a career.

This, my blog readers, is what I mean by playing the cards right at the workplace...because, if we could change the system, and we should, then women should be able to be hired based on their capabilities and skill set alone...but since we live in a business world that still very much belongs to men, we need to continue to push and push until we get where we want. =)

So embrace your ROCK, for those of you who have met the one...just don't show it during interviews and avoid showing it too much to senior management once hired...let them be hit with it when the time is right...after that, the game is all yours!

A woman.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Blog :)

Let me start by saying that I strongly believe I have now hit the spot with this blog. I never really realized how much I like writing about a woman's life in the workplace, until I thought about the many anecdotes and stories one can get out of working. I enjoy my work, with its up and downs, but above all, I think its a pretty decent job...pays well, love what I do, people I work with are "nice", I am constantly recognized and I have some freedom.

Nothing wrong with a decent job...but what comes on the day to day, 9-5 time spam, is what makes it truly fun and interesting to write about.

I will try to update this blog as much as possible and truly hope you enjoy reading it, as I continue to embrace what comes out of Women and the Workplace.

A woman.